Mobile Marketing Dos and Don'ts

There are many different strategies when it comes to inbound marketing. These strategies include content marketing, social media marketing, SEO and mobile marketing, to name the most critical ones. As a business that is trying to expand your brand, you shouldn’t make the mistake of ignoring any of these, especially mobile marketing, which has exploded in recent years. The following are a few of the dos and don’ts of mobile marketing that you should be aware of.

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The Dos of Mobile Marketing

First of all, the biggest “do” of mobile marketing is to have it. Mobile penetration is at an all-time high. How many people do you know that do not own a mobile device of some sort? Exactly! This is why you should implement a mobile marketing strategy in order to have a better chance at reaching your target audience. The following are some of the dos of mobile marketing that you should implement into your strategy:

Do optimize your content for mobile use
Make it easy for your customers and followers to read your website, blog and emails by making sure they are optimized to be properly viewed on their mobile devices.
Do combine your marketing strategies together
Combine your social media marketing and local marketing strategies with your mobile marketing in order to achieve the best results. Social media, in particular, goes hand in hand with mobile marketing. Many users tend to use their mobile devices for their social networking more so than their computers these days.
Do take advantage of mobile technology
Mobile marketing gives you the opportunity to make use of different apps, mobile coupons and QR codes, all of which consumers love to engage in. Using these mobile features can help you to increase your brand loyalty.
Dotime your SMS messages
Understand your customer base in order to figure out when to send your SMS messages out. If you have an elderly customer base, then sending out SMS messages at night is a bad idea. If your customer base is in their teens, then the mornings are very questionable.
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1. Link to Your Blog in Your Twitter Bio
The first thing you need to do is write an enticing and succinct description of your blog or company in the bio section on your Twitter profile so people have a clear understanding of what they can expect from you.

You should also include a link to your blog in your Twitter bio so people can link directly to your blog from the social media platform. Use the social network to be engaged with others, build relationships, and boost the number of followers to increase the visibility of your blog.

2. Use Twitter to Share Blog Updates
Whenever you publish a new blog post, you should share the update via Twitter to increase visibility. Use relevant hashtags so your Tweet will appear during relevant keyword searches.

Remember to include a prominent subscribe button or link at the bottom of every blog post so people who enjoyed reading can quickly and easily join your list. Don't make things difficult for visitors. If you don't include a clear call to action, people won't subscribe. Make the sign-up process easy.You can also Tweet to promote your blog and encourage subscribing.

Just remember the 70/20/10 rule: only about 10% of updates should be promotional, while 70% should be geared toward adding value and building your brand, and 20% should be dedicated to sharing others' ideas and posts.

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3. Make it Easy for Others to Share
Let your followers help promote your blog. You also want to make it easy for others to share your content quickly and effortlessly. Include social sharing buttons to every blog post you publish so readers can quickly and easily share your blog content with their social networks, further extending your reach beyond your existing following. Increase sharing potential to increase blog subscriptions.
4. Run a Twitter Contest
Run a contest with an incentive or prize to encourage Twitter users to visit your blog and hit the subscribe button. Everyone who subscribes to your blog within a predetermined time frame will be entered for a chance to win the contest. Randomly select a contest winner and make the announcement on Twitter.
5. Support Other Bloggers
Attract the attention of other influential bloggers in the industry by following them on Twitter, reaching out to them personally, favouriting some of their Tweets, and sharing some of their blogs. Hopefully they will check out some of your content, express interest, and show their support.

Guest blogging is an excellent way to cross promote and increase blog subscriptions. Ask a relevant blogger if they'd be interested in contributing a guest blog post to your blog. You could even suggest a content exchange. You can offer a guest post that they can post on their website.
Support other bloggers, exchange content, and increase visibility to increase blog subscriptions.

Follow these five steps and start using Twitter to help increase your blog subscriptions.

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Keep these dos and don’ts in mind when creating your mobile marketing campaign.

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