The company blog is something that every business should invest in. It’s one of the cornerstones of a successful inbound marketing strategy. Creating good content for your blog can help you establish brand loyalty amongst your readers, establish yourself as an expert within your industry amongst consumers and businesses alike, help you to convert leads and increase awareness of your brand. So now that you have your blog up, how do you know if you’re on your way to doing any of these things? The following are three signs that mean your blog is working.
You can use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to figure out how much traffic your blog is getting. Hopefully, the longer your blog is in existence the more your blog’s traffic will increase. Increasing traffic is definitely a sign that your blog is working. However, don’t just look at the number of visits to your blog. There are a number of advanced metrics that Google Analytics can provide to give you a better insight on your blog’s traffic. For example, you can see how much traffic each individual piece of content is getting. This allows you to see what type of content your target audience prefers to read and what type of content is being ignored – thereby helping you to create more compelling content for your audience in the future. And stop writing what isn’t of interest. You can also look at metrics such as how long visitors spend on each piece of content. This gives you an even more accurate idea of what content is working and what isn’t.
When a piece of content is shared on social media, more people are exposed to it. For example, if one reader likes a piece of content on Facebook, everyone in his or her social circle will be able to see it on their newsfeed. This is how content often goes viral, since people within that person’s social circle can then “like” it, thereby exposing the content to their respective social circles and so on. To make sharing easier, you need to provide buttons for various social media sites on your blog. This allows readers to simply click the button for the social media site that they want to share it to. These buttons will keep track of how many times a piece of content is shared. On Facebook, this is known as “likes,” on Twitter its “retweets,” on Google+ it’s “+1” and so on. The more your content is shared, the more successful it is. Use backlinks monitor if you want see a great result of your blog promotion
All of your blog posts should have a comment section so that readers can share their thoughts. This is a fantastic way to increase brand loyalty since you’re providing readers a way to engage with other consumers as well as with your brand itself. Not to mention that when a piece of content is commented on, it means that not only was it read – it generated enough interest in a particular reader in order to warrant a comment. This is the best kind of blog content – the kind that incites discussion. The more comments you get on a piece of content, especially comments that turn into a discussion on your comment page, the more successful that piece of content has become.
The content you release on your blog can go a long way in helping to make your inbound marketing strategy a successful one. Use traffic metrics provided by Google Analytics as well as social media shares and comment sections in order to judge the effectiveness of the content you are creating. This will allow you to see what types of content are successful in completing your blogging goals and which types are not, thereby allowing you to adjust your blogging strategy accordingly.